If we’re ever going to fix the largest war Western Civilisation has ever fought, the fight which threatens it’s entire existence, we need to start somewhere, NOW! Do I know all the answers? No! That’s why I’m asking for your help.
Do I know the strategies or sequences that need to be followed No! That’s also why I’m asking for your help.
They say you’ve done your job well when you’ve recruited the right people and the right people are set in the right direction. That is my aim. I don’t want to be doing this. I’m not, nor do I want to be an activist, a politician or tied to the ideologies of any specific groups. The entire aim here is to set up the framework for much smarter, more informed people to start writing a positive, results based set of outcomes for humanity, steering away from the blame based victimhood power grabs leading us to complete anarchy, stifling all outcomes.
Here are some examples of the thinking the human race needs to re-adopt to break the downward spiral that’s going to smash us into the cliffs.
Here is Jess Butcher, Jess is a textbook definition of true Feminism. She’s shamelessly about making your own choices and being enabled to make them. She’s far better qualified to show how women should be able to and can achieve whatever outcomes they want. She will also tell you how your consequences are just as much yours as your rewards.
If you really want to do a deep dive Karen Straughan is a really deep thinker with an extremely analytical mind
The most common 5 Feminist Myths SMASHED wide open by a Feminist. These big 5 are
If we’re serious about saving Western culture,these types of programs demonstrating these attitudes need to be thrown off air. As long as they exist, they will gain ratings by being more polarised and more controversial than competitors. Financial controllers of media want profit. Profit is determined by ratings. These shows are actively causing the attitudes causing divorce and Men’s refusal to partner or produce offspring.